Atlantis Ecosystem Model version tracking
Comments on compiling and running Atlantis code versions
The Atlantis modeling framework is a simulation modeling approach developed by Dr. Beth Fulton at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) . Atlantis integrates physical, chemical, ecological, and anthropogenic processes in a three-dimensional, spatially explicit domain. This framework has been applied to evaluate management scenarios and investigate the effects of climate change in over 30 ecosystems worldwide. In Atlantis, ecosystem dynamics are represented by spatially explicit submodels that simulate oceanographic processes, biogeochemical factors driving primary production, and food web relations among flora and fauna. The model represents species of ecological and conservation concern and key exploited species at the level of detail necessary to evaluate the direct effects of fishing, and it represents other anthropogenic and climate impacts on the ecosystem as a whole.
To contribute to this repository
- Create a local folder and initiate it as a Github repository. To install git
mkdir mynewbranch
cd mynewbranch
git init-b mynewbranch
git checkout :// git remote add mynewbranch https
- Open the file
and add your comments under the corresponding *.qmd file for the version you are running. You can also create a new page for a new version by making a copy of the file content/v_template.qmd and add its name under href in the_quarto.yml
: "docked"
style: true
search-level: 1
contents- href: index.qmd
: Home
text- href: content/v6690.qmd
: v6690 text
- Push your branch to the repository
git add -m "-Added description of version 6690"
git commit ://<user>:<PAT>/Atlantis-Ecosystem-Model/atlantismodelversionlog.git mynewbranch git push https
How to generate a PAT in Github
- Create a pull request
--base main gh pr create
Copyright is waived worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication. The Atlantis Ecosystem Model code base is owned by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).
Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna