This function extracts values for Linf, k and t0 from http:://www.fishbase.se
get_growth_fishbase(fish, mirror = "se")
fish | Vector of fish species with genus and species information. |
mirror | Character string defining the url mirror to use. Defaults to |
Dataframe with species, country, locality, linf and k.
Before the actual extraction takes place fishbase IDs for every species are extracted using get_ids_fishbase
The IDs are needed to generate the urls later on.
if (FALSE) { # For some reason the examples break with appveyor. fish <- c("Gadus morhua", "Merlangius merlangus") df <- get_growth_fishbase(fish) head(df) df <- get_growth_fishbase(fish, mirror = "de") head(df) fish <- c("Sprattus sprattus") df <- get_growth_fishbase(fish) head(df) # Only use for debugging purposes. fish <- read.csv("Z:/my_data_alex/fish_species_names_from_ibts.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1] url <- get_growth_fishbase(fish) url <- urls$ref_url }