This function extracts values for Linf, k and t0 from http:://

get_growth_fishbase(fish, mirror = "se")



Vector of fish species with genus and species information.


Character string defining the url mirror to use. Defaults to se. In case data extraction is slow use a different mirror. Try to avoid frequently used mirrors like uk or com.


Dataframe with species, country, locality, linf and k.


Before the actual extraction takes place fishbase IDs for every species are extracted using get_ids_fishbase. The IDs are needed to generate the urls later on.


if (FALSE) { # For some reason the examples break with appveyor. fish <- c("Gadus morhua", "Merlangius merlangus") df <- get_growth_fishbase(fish) head(df) df <- get_growth_fishbase(fish, mirror = "de") head(df) fish <- c("Sprattus sprattus") df <- get_growth_fishbase(fish) head(df) # Only use for debugging purposes. fish <- read.csv("Z:/my_data_alex/fish_species_names_from_ibts.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1] url <- get_growth_fishbase(fish) url <- urls$ref_url }