Loading FunctionsFunctions that load in and process atlantis output |
Load the box specification file for an Atlantis scenario |
Extracts the names of the epibenthic biomasspools from the initial conditions file. |
Read in the atlantis dietcheck.txt file and perform some basic data transformations. |
Extract the dietmatrix from the biological parameterfile |
Load the functional group file |
This function is used to read in data from the initial conditions file. |
This function loads weight at age data (in mgN) from the initial conditions file. |
Load mortality information from outputMort.txt |
Load mortality information from specificMort.txt |
Load mortality information from outputSpecificPredMort.txt |
Load Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf) |
Load Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf) |
Load information for SSB and Recruits from an Atlantis model run. |
Function to load various txt files from Atlantis simulations |
Preprocess dataframes loaded in with |
preprocess |
Calculate spatially explicit biomass (in [t]) for each group and ageclass per timestep. |
Calculate the consumed biomass in [t] of prey j by predator i. |
Calculate 3d overlap of predator groups with their prey over time using Schoener Index. |
Get/manipulate parameter valuesFunctions that pull parameter values from parameter files |
Extract values for Atlantis parameters from the biological parameter file. |
Scan character vector for specific flag! |
Extract parameters from the biological parameter file and transform them to a dataframe. |
Change biological parameterfile to simplify automated ATLANTIS calibrations. |
Change the availability matrix to simplify automated ATLANTIS calibrations. |
Get functionsFunctions that pull other atlantis information |
Get boundary boxes from Atlantis box information. |
Create discrete color palette used in plots. |
Extract conversion factor used to transform data from nitrogen in mg to biomass in tonnes. |
Get functional group infoFunctions that pull information from the functionaGroups.csv file |
Collection of similar functions which get specific
columns from the Atlantis |
Fishbase/online dataFunctions that pull information from fishbase and other online sources |
fishbase_data |
Extract reference for diet information from http:://www.fishbase.se |
Extract fishbase IDs using the package "rfishbase" to generate species specific fishbase URLs |
Extract growth parameters from http:://www.fishbase.se. |
Extract maturity parameters from http:://www.fishbase.se. |
Extract bibliographic info from www.marlin.ac.uk/biotic. |
Extract the bibliographic info from www.fishbase.org. |
Scan list of references for character string for fish species |
PlottingPlotting functions to output |
Customized theme used in all plots. |
Flip layers for visualization. |
Utility functions used for various plotting routines within atlantistools. |
Low level plotting function to add sudo confidence range to calibration plots. |
Add spatial representation of polygon layout to a ggplot2 object. |
Low level plotting function to add range of observed values to time series plots. |
Function to plot relative contribution of biomass and numbers per cohort. |
Plot layout of boxes! |
Circle diagram to visualize the consumed biomass for the whole system. |
Plot contribution of diet contents for each functional group. |
Plot contribution of diet contents for each functional group. |
Function to plot time series of atlantis ncdf output. |
Plot recruitment. |
Visualize the spatial distribution per species and stanza combination. |
Plot spatial overlap. |
Visualize the spatial distribution per species and stanza combination. |
Create species specific overview plot. |
Sanity check initial conditions file |
MiscellaneousOther functions |
Extract numeric values from string. |
Convert timestep to actual time! |
Calculate relative timeseries using the initial value as benchmark. |
Function to convert any column with information about functional groups to a factor whose levels use the LongName of the functional groups file. |
Transform data from bgm-file to map dataframe. |
This function is used to combine model output from different simulations! |
Combine values from different groups if specific groups only have a low contribution to the overall value. |
Combine ageclasses to juvenile and adult stanza according to age at maturity. |
This function is used to check the individual growth per group over time. |
Function to check the names of a dataframe. |
Change biological parameterfile for parameters which expect multiple values. |
Aggregate data using dplyr functionality. |
Pipeoperator |
Ref functions??? |
agemat. |
Consumed biomass. |
Spatial biomass. |
Dietmatrix. |
Dietcheck. |
Eat. |
Grazing. |
Growth. |
Reference dataframe |
Nitrogen. |
Numbers at age data. |
Physical variables. |
Reserve nitrogen. |
Structural nitrogen. |
Convert reference to bib-tex-key. |
Volume. |
Volume and dz. |