This plotting routine is based on Raphael's (Ifremer) plotting routine used during model calibration. Currently 6 plots are created by default: - Biomass over time - Biomass over time per age - StructN over time per age - ResN over time per age - Condition over time per age - Numbers over time per age

plot_species(data_pre, species)



List of preprocessed Atlantis simulation. The list of dataframes should be created with model-preprocess.Rmd.


Character srtring giving the name of the species to plot. Only age based species are supported.


ggplot2 object of class grob

See also

Other plot functions: plot_bar(), plot_boxes(), plot_diet_bec_dev(), plot_diet(), plot_line(), plot_rec()


plot <- plot_species(preprocess, species = "Shallow piscivorous fish") # Use grid.arrange to draw the plot on the current device gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot)