This function loads Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf) and converts them to a dataframe.

  aggregate_layers = FALSE,
  warn_zeros = FALSE



Character string giving the connection of the netcdf file to read in. The filename usually contains output and ends in .nc".


Character vector of physical variables which shall be read in. Names have to match the ones used in the ncdf file.


Character string giving the connection of the run parameterfile. The filename usually contains run_fishing and ends in .prm".


Integer vector giving the box-id of the boundary boxes. Can be created with get_boundary.


Logical indicating if values for layers should be aggregated (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default is FALSE.


Logical indicating if check for actual zeros in the data shall be printed or not. Default is FALSE.


A data.frame in long format with the following column names: variable, time, polygon, layer, and atoutput (i.e., variable).


This functions converts the ATLANTIS output to a dataframe which can be processed in R.

See also


d <- system.file("extdata", "setas-model-new-becdev", package = "atlantistools") nc <- file.path(d, "") prm_run <- file.path(d, "VMPA_setas_run_fishing_F_New.prm") bboxes <- get_boundary(boxinfo = load_box(file.path(d, bgm = "VMPA_setas.bgm"))) select_physics <- c("salt", "NO3", "volume") test <- load_nc_physics(nc, select_physics, prm_run, bboxes) str(test)
#> 'data.frame': 1488 obs. of 5 variables: #> $ variable: chr "NO3" "NO3" "NO3" "NO3" ... #> $ polygon : int 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ... #> $ layer : num 0 1 2 3 6 0 1 2 3 4 ... #> $ time : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... #> $ atoutput: num 14 12 6 6 15 25 14 12 6 6 ...
d <- system.file("extdata", "setas-model-new-trunk", package = "atlantistools") nc <- file.path(d, "") prm_run <- file.path(d, "VMPA_setas_run_fishing_F_Trunk.prm") bboxes <- get_boundary(boxinfo = load_box(file.path(d, bgm = "VMPA_setas.bgm"))) test <- load_nc_physics(nc, select_physics, prm_run, bboxes) str(test)
#> 'data.frame': 453 obs. of 5 variables: #> $ variable: chr "NO3" "NO3" "NO3" "NO3" ... #> $ polygon : int 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ... #> $ layer : num 0 1 2 3 6 0 1 2 3 4 ... #> $ time : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... #> $ atoutput: num 14 12 6 6 15 25 14 12 6 6 ...
test <- load_nc_physics(nc, select_physics = "nominal_dz", prm_run, bboxes)