
New parameters to add

****biology.prm**** Indicate which method to deal with temperature scalars. setting to zero uses a simple Q10 based correction using 15’C reference

q10_method_XXX 0

#to get the last 10 commits messages from the SVN use svn log -v -l 10 https://svnserv.csiro.au/svn/ext/atlantis/Atlantis/trunk –username –password

SVN commit message

Changed paths: M /Atlantis/trunk/atlantis/ConvertAtlantis/atBioltoXML.c

Fixed the read in of q10_method param

#Use this template to add infomation from your model #Use dashed lines after Model behavior to separate model entries

Model: Atlantis Model for Puget Sound

Atlantis revision comments

Version 6681

Date pulled: June 16, 2023

OS: Ubuntu 20.04

Environment: Linux

Modeler: Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna


Model behavior